Hails from Udumalpet in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu Mr. Ram Kumar is a software professional, completed B.Sc., (Information Technology), PGDCA, DDTP and CQPIM have expertise in Brand Development, Graphic Design, Web Development, Multimedia and Electronic Advertisements. An active member in Rotary Club of Tirupur Cotton City and various other socio-cultural organizations. He is a dynamic personality in promoting academic, social and cultural fields. He designed innumerable Books, Logo Designs, Brochures, Print Advertisements, Hoardings, Pamphlets, Presentation Designs and has more than a decade of experience in the fields like Print shops, Film Industry, Garments, Buying Agency, hospitality, health care and Educational Institutions. He has a natural flair for designing websites and designed more than 100 websites for different organizations and products. He has a penchant for Music and Composed and Recorded 10 dramas. As a techno savvy person, he possesses skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Flash, Fireworks, Premiere and Dreamweaver.
Since 2020, Mr. Ramkumar has served as the Director General of Shree Nagulan Research Training and Consultancy (SNRTC). Under his leadership, the institution has achieved significant milestones across various domains, establishing itself as a premier center for research and training. Mr. Ramkumar's visionary approach has driven the expansion of SNRTC's programs, strengthened its ideology through collaborations with leading academic and industrial bodies, and fostered an environment of innovation and excellence. His expertise in strategic planning and management has been instrumental in positioning SNRTC as a key player in the global research and consultancy landscape.
He is an expert in Adobe software too. He is an inexorable researcher in technology allied fields and evolves novel ideas to his skills which are breakthroughs in the field. He is keen on academic programmes and conducts interactive sessions for Post Graduate students on web designing, print designing etc. Becoming an entrepreneur at a very young age he established his own company called RK Creative Solution which is a major ICT enabled service provider in the country. Besides designing and running Websites for various renowned business firms he renders multi sectoral ICT solutions to his customers like E-Ads, Bulk SMS, Voice SMS and Bulk Email. As a tenacious learner of new domains, he explored his versatility in health sector and made his niche in it by honouring the position as Quality Manager for a private Hospital, Pollachi and rendering his expertise in the development of the hospital as a major technical and administrative stakeholder by taking care of software implementation, Social Network Management, Brand Advertisements. He conducts workshops to motivate the Hospital team members. He is eloquent academic personnel too and has genuine instinct to transfer knowledge to students. He acted as resource person for various higher educational institutions and conducted interactive sessions for the aspirants on various ICT tools and applications.